Month: June 2020

Paige Anderson We are trying to bring this awareness from a young age to help students understand the subject better.

Trena  Quiles We are looking into the aspects of bringing the right changes into the lives of people who have been abusing prescriptive drugs.

Sophie Wilder We are trying to work for one community at a time to help give them the knowledge of how to understand if one is abusing prescriptive drugs.

Mothers Against Prescription Drug Abuse was formed to bring awareness to the public about the risks of addiction and fatalities, due to the abuse of prescription drugs. We are striving to change the perception that experimenting with prescription drugs for recreational purposes is safer than the use of illicit drugs. Our focus is to reach out to people in the community to share our personal stories, utilize prevention education through science based facts, and provide a supportive role to those people whose lives have been affected by the abuse or misuse of prescription drugs. The mission we hope to accomplish by speaking to individuals and the medical community is to save lives.